Meet the Team
Danielle Mik
Danielle has a 32 year career in Workers Compensation, Injury Management, WH&S, Mental Health, Workplace Risk Management, Human Resources and Training, she has in-depth knowledge of multiple compensation environments, applying this to the design of innovative solutions to achieve sustainable RTW outcomes with complex, serious injury and psychological claims. Danielle utilises emotional intelligence strategies to assist injured and ill people return to life and good work, help create mentally healthy workplaces and educate stake holders on human needs and managing trauma effected clients. Danielle has been an Executive member of ASORC, President of a not for profit organisation supporting injured workers, and was awarded Rehabilitation Counsellor of the Year in 2019.
Jane Andary
Jane Andary is an experienced Injury Management, Wellness, Cultural Change and Training professional with 20 years experience in a range of jurisdictions including; Workers Compensation, Life Insurance and DVA, assisting clients to return to work. She specialises in complex and psychological claims and provides holistic RTW services. Jane is an accredited Rehabilitation Counsellor with ASORC, Mediator and Wellness Educator. Jane services local, regional and interstate clients.
Jane provides the following services:
Illuminate– Pre-Injury and Job Seeking
Helping Hand
RTW Original Employer
Pre Injury Level 1
Pre Injury Level 2
Pre Injury Duties Transition
Restoration to Community
Suitable Employment Assessment
Employment Matching Assessment
NDIS services:
Mick Daniels
Mick Daniels has worked in job placement since 2014, he has worked extensively with employers to fill vacancies, and helped clients develop skill sets to advance employability. Mick has a talent for connecting with clients and building their self confidence to return to life and work. He has extensive community connections to ensure clients connect with the community and their life and career. Mick services north and south of Adelaide Mick is an accredited youth worker Mick specialises in reverse marketing to employers.
Mick provides the following services:
Helping Hand
Reverse Marketing
Mick's Mentoring
NDIS services:
Reverse Marketing
Mark Houston
Mark Houston has over 15 years experience helping hundreds of people with career management, goal setting, resumes and job applications as well as assessing their skills and literacy. He is passionate about helping clients manage their career by taking the time to know what matters to them and providing help and support so they can return to work by working out their skills, knowledge and interests best fit into the labour market. Mark is an accredited Career Counsellor, Trainer/Assessor and professional Adult Educator, specialising in the delivery of computer training Mark services the Adelaide Metropolitan area.
Mark provides the following services:
Computer Training
Helping Hand
Vocational Counselling
Job Placement Services
Suitable Employment Assessment
RTW New Employer
Job Hunter
NDIS services:
Computer Training
Vocational Counselling
Suitable Employment Assessment​​​
Job Hunter
Hannah Woods
Hannah Woods has experience in mental health counselling, rehabilitation counselling, and teaching yoga. She is passionate about helping people understand and accept themselves as a pathway to achieving their goals. Hannah uses skills in counselling to empower individuals to find their internal strengths and abilities and create a meaningful life and return to work. Hannah is is an accredited Rehabilitation Counsellor with ASORC Hannah services local, regional and interstate clients. Hannah is a full member of ACA and has a Masters of Counselling degree.
Hannah provides the following services:
Telehealth only
NDIS services:
Angelik Tziavrangos
Angelik is an accredited Rehabilitation Counsellor with ASORC and has extensive experience in vocational counselling. She has previously worked in Employment and Return To Works services including WorkCover SA and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Having also worked in the public health sector, Angelik has experience working with vulnerable groups in the community to coordinate services with appropriate stakeholders to increase their social independence and overall quality of life. Angelik demonstrates excellent communication and interpersonal skills and is committed to providing a tailored and person cantered approach addressing their health conditions, transferable skills and current labour market trends.​​
Angelik provides the following services:
Illuminate– Pre-Injury and Job Seeking
Helping Hand
RTW Original Employer
RTW New Employer
Pre Injury Level 1
Pre Injury Level 2
Pre Injury Duties Transition
Restoration to Community
Helping Hand Program
Fit for Work
Suitable Employment Assessment
Vocational Counselling
Job Placement Services
NDIS services:
Job Hunter
Tammy Fischer
Tammy has held roles in VET and Learning Support, developing a strong interest in career pathways and career development. This has led to a passion for assisting people to find work that is meaningful and sustainable for their future. In recent years, Tammy has worked as a trainer teaching employability skills including career planning, application and job search skills. Tammy is committed to working with clients to develop a personalised return to work plans that focus on their strengths and capabilities, along with marketing them directly to employers.
Tammy provides the following services:
Computer Training
Helping Hand
Vocational Counselling
Job Placement Services
Suitable Employment Assessment
RTW New Employer
Job Hunter
NDIS services:
Computer Training
Vocational Counselling
Suitable Employment Assessment
Job Hunter
Cara Geracitano
Cara Geracitano has broad experience including Workers Compensation, Rehabilitation and Fitness, Business Management, Emotional Intelligence and Training. She specialises in the delivery of Stress Minimalisation and Trauma Informed Programs to large groups and 1:1 with clients. Cara is passionate about educating people about vulnerability and courage, empowering individuals to take control of their future. Working in Rehabilitation and RTW, her experience spans over fifteen years, with a degree in Behavioural Science and post grad studies in emotional intelligence. Her 'out of the box' thinking has seen many positive return to work outcomes. Cara services the Adelaide Metro area as well as the Northern Suburbs.
Cara provides the following services:
Illuminate – Pre-Injury & Job Seeking
Helping Hand
RTW New Employer
Vocational Counselling
Job Placement Services
Suitable Employment Assessment
Job Hunter
NDIS services:
Vocational Counselling
Suitable Employment Assessment
Job Hunter
Medical Experts
Andrew McIntosh
Andrew has 24 years experience as an industrial Physiotherapist having worked with a wide cross section of employers, industries, individuals, insurance companies and government organisations. Andrew is an experienced clinician having provided hands on treatment for many years. His evidenced based approach has seen him achieve outstanding RTW results for his clients that far exceed his competitors. Andrew provides a regular visiting service to the South East and provides services across metropolitan Adelaide.
Andrew offers the following services:
Worksite Assessment
Job Dictionary
Functional Capacity Evaluation
Activities of Daily Living
Restoration to the Community
Helping Hand
Pre-Injury Employer Services
Ergonomic Assessment
Manual Handling Training
Surgery Preparation
Occupational Suitability Assessment
Andrew holds the following qualifications and is registered with AHPRA:
Bachelor of App Sc (Physio)
Qualified Ergoscience Functional Capacity Evaluator
Cert IV Personal Training
Regional Staff
Helen Russell
Helen Russell resides locally on the Fleurieu and has developed a strong network of relationships in this area, providing her with excellent local labour market knowledge. Helen has extensive experience in Vocational Counselling and Job Placement, with an outstanding record of reverse marketing clients to the local community and achieving paid employment outcomes. Helen services clients locally on the Fleurieu Peninsula, and remotely to regional and interstate areas Helen is an accredited Career Coaching expert, registered with CDAA Helen specialises in assisting people with complex injuries and life barriers to return to a new career.
Helen provides the following services:
Helping Hand
Reverse Marketing
Vocational Counselling
Job Placement Services
Suitable Employment Assessment
RTW New Employer
Job Hunter
NDIS services:
Reverse Marketing
Vocational Counselling
Suitable Employment Assessment
Job Hunter
Adelle Christian
Adelle resides both locally in northern Adelaide metro and on the Yorke Peninsula, she also grew up in Port Lincoln, so she has developed a strong network of relationships in the areas she covers. This provides her with excellent local labour market knowledge. Adelle has extensive experience in Vocational Counselling and job placement. Adelle has strong customer relation skills and experience with multicultural backgrounds. Adelle has an outstanding record of reverse marketing clients and achieving paid employment outcomes. Adelle is accredited in employment coaching. Adelle services Adelaide metro north and Yorke and Eyre Peninsulas Adelle specialises in Job Placement.
Adelle provides the following services:
Helping Hand
Reverse Marketing
Vocational Counselling
Job Placement Services
Suitable Employment Assessment
RTW New Employer
Job Hunter
NDIS services:
Reverse Marketing
Vocational Counselling
Suitable Employment Assessment
Job Hunter
Bernadette Douglas
Bernie is a long-term resident of the Limestone Coast and has a seasoned background in Finance, Business Management, Community Services and workplace coaching. Being both resourceful and client focused, Bernadette has a genuine desire to make a positive difference in assisting clients to develop realistic goals and life plans and to motivate individuals to make positive life-altering changes. Being a long term local, and having worked for local banking and community service organizations, Bernie has strong connections across the limestone coast, enhancing her ability to access employers, vacancies and community support.
NDIS services:
Vocational Counselling
Suitable Employment Assessment
Job Hunter
Pam Atkinson
Pam is a long-term resident of the Limestone Coast having many years’ experience in Rehabilitation Counselling and workplace coaching. Pam has a genuine desire to assist clients to develop realistic goals and life plans and to motivate individuals to make positive life -altering changes so they can make a successful return to work. Being a long term local, Pam has strong connections across the limestone coast, enhancing her ability to access employers, vacancies and community support. Pam is a member of ASORC and has provided training and mentoring to both inhouse counsellors and employers.​​
Pam provides the following services:
Pre Injury Level 1
Pre Injury Level 2
Fit For Work
Restoration to Community
Helping Hand Program
Vocational Counselling
Suitable Employment Assessments
Job Placement Services
Career Coaching
RTW Coordinator Services
Job Hunter
NDIS services:
Vocational Counselling
Suitable Employment Assessments
Job Hunter